Flight Training After High School As summer looms the hearts and minds of high school students across the land become hopeful, nervous, joyous, and concerned. The culmination of their mandatory…
Flight School or College, Which is the Better Choice? Historically, in the United States especially, the value of a college degree was undeniable. A degree conferred on its owner a…
Flight Instruction Beyond the Airman Certification Standards (ACS) The process of teaching a student to fly is well established, highly structured, and very predictable. Or at least it should be.…
Learning to Fly in Southwest Florida Jan.20, 2016 by Brian Williamson Making the choice of where to learn to fly involves quite a few decisions. Not the least of which…
HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BECOME A PILOT? Jan.20, 2016 by Brian Williamson The idea comes in waves. Little triggers occur over a period of time that lead some…